Voyager Array

Introducing Voyager Advanced Multi Camera Control System 

Images from the SC Observatory in Thailand, run by MasterDarks and controlled with the Voyager Telescope Network Array

We couldn’t have written this any better ourselves, so here is a description of the Voyager Telescope Network Array by our customer, Mike Selby, of SC Observatory

Until now the challenge of coordinated operation of imaging on multiple telescopes with a single mount has remained a challenge and has generally required specialized custom software often only within the reach of professional observatories.

A number of programs provide limited functionality but require multiple instances open on the same computer. This often results in driver conflicts depending on the camera you use. It also comes with certain handicaps. The ability to seamlessly image, coordinate exposures across telescopes as well as focus runs is generally beyond this form of application.

Voyager makes use of networking across multiple computers. With a separate computer for each camera control Voyager is able to allow the use of multiple cameras with almost no limit.

The master computer runs your mount and whichever telescope you designate as master.

All additional scopes and cameras are setup through their respective computers via the network and slaved to the master computer.

Voyager allows you to script different shooting regimes on each scope that include exposure time and filter selection. The master computer sets the frequency of focusing, points to a focus star and coordinates focus on all scopes within the system. This ensures that focus on all scopes is complete before returning to target.

Upon return to target, Voyager checks and plate solves position to ensure high precision pointing.

Dithering is easy in Voyager and can be set against the master computer.

Camera control in Voyager is flexible and can utilize a number of camera control programs such as TheSkyX and Maxim DL. Voyager incorporates a sophisticated AI autofocus routine called Robofire and also has a local field autofocus capability thereby obviating the need to slew to a focus star on targets that lend themselves to local field focus.

Voyager Advanced maintains all of the easy scripting capabilities of the base version of Voyager making it easy to configure for multiple targets within a given imaging session.

It is as simple as setting up the user friendly DragScript and running it. Voyager will connect your system at the appointed time and will take it from there.

Voyager’s powerful sequence menu allows you to configure your imaging plan for each target and is then integrated into the main drag script.

Voyager can run through a number of targets during an imaging session and then proceed to wait and shoot sky flats at the end of a session or prior to the start of the session.

After completion of your evening plan Voyager can be configured to park and disconnect the system.

Connectivity is a strong point for Voyager, it easily connects with a variety of weather station outputs to ensure that your system is safe should the weather turn bad. Voyager is capable of generating messages to ensure that you are aware of your system status.

Isn’t it time you took a serious look at Voyager? Its the easy to use, truly flexible answer to today’s astrophotography challenges.

Contact us for more details.